Exponents and Logarithm

  1. Find p in terms of q

    log10[(12√2)(p+2q)] = 12[log10p+log10q]
  2. Solve the simultaneous equations

    ln(y/x) = 2

    ln(x2/y3) = 7

  3. Find x and y

    logx+1y = 2

    logy+1x = 1/4

  4. Find x and y

    ln(x/y) = 1

    ln(x3/y2) = 5

  5. Find x interms of ln 2

    ln 24x-1 = ln 8x+5 + log2161-2x

  6. Solve

    (lnx)2 - (ln2)(lnx) < 2(ln2)2

  7. Solve for x

    log2x - log25 = 2 + log23

  8. Solve for x

    log2(x+3) + log2(x-3) = 4

  9. Find a

    a = (log23)(log34)(log45)(log56)...............(log3132)

  10. Solve for x

    8x-1 = 63x

  11. Solve for x

    log2(x-2) = log4(x2-6x+12)

  12. Solve for x

    xlnx = e(lnx)3

  13. Solve for x

    2-log3(x+7) = log1/32x

  14. Solve for x

    4(x-1) = 2x+8

  15. Write as a single logarithm

    ln(x2-1) - 2ln(x+1) + ln(x2 + x)

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